SRWG working groups are made up of anyone interested in a specific resource concern in the Sun River watershed. Working groups meet periodically to discuss how SRWG and partners are addressing issues across the watershed, provide updates on on-going projects, and decide next steps. Working group meetings are open to the public. Click on a specific group below to learn more about that group, or go to the SRWG EVENTS page to see a full list of upcoming meetings and events.


The SRWG Water Managment Working Group meets twice a year to discuss water forecasting, irrigation operations, stream gages, and other related issues. These working group meetings are open to the public.


The Water Quality Working Group meets as needed to discuss SRWG’s water monitoring, data and analysis, watershed issues, and to work on special projects. This group is open to the public.



The Fish Working Group meets periodically to discuss watershed issues affecting fish habitat, recent studies, and potential projects. This group also coordinates annual Fish Rescue events. Anyone with an interest in fish or fish habitat is welcome to join.


Another way to participate in the Sun River Watershed Group is to join our Board of Directors. Our directors represent the three counties that span the watershed and the various resource concerns that SRWG works to improve.

CLICK HERE to meet SRWG’s current Directors

CLICK HERE to inquire about joining the Board